
Showing posts from November, 2018

who wore weathered

I am a pervert to some and a goddess to others. I am a professional dominatrix, and I entered this unusual line of work after arriving in Miami last August, fresh off a Greyhound from New York. My only possessions were a bag full of sex toys and a well thumbed paperback copy of the Marquis de Sade's The 120 Days of Sodom. cheap jerseys I had the WHOLE of freaking south america. Then he captured it. Grrrrrrrr. Seated in rows of folding chairs, the working class audience was composed of mostly women dressed in faded house dresses, jeans, and T shirts, their hair pulled back with scrunchies. The few men who wore weathered, plaid, button up shirts and polyester slacks fidgeted and shuffled their feet. Most had their well worn bibles already open on their laps, with split bindings and finger smudged pages.. cheap jerseys Gavaskar played for a long time with the knowledge that the entire Indian batting performance was dependent on him while Ten